Linggo, Enero 1, 2012

Better Office, Better Business Deals

Since I ventured into business of custom-made business suits for ladies, it did not cross my mind that I would need a much larger space for my employees who takes care of the paper works. Not until when a big company came in and asked where we can talk because he has some large-scale propositions for me. Mind you – it was really not the sort that I encounter at my shop. It's something that is really needed to be done in an office space, something that speaks of elegance, comfort and style without actually displaying my custom-made suits. I did not miss the small flicker of disappointment on his face when I told him that we can meet at a coffee shop if he was not comfortable with the shop's surroundings. That's when I seriously decided to get that office space NYC my assistant was telling me months ago. Oh, and yes, I was able to close that large-scale deal.

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